Artificial Intelligence for Legal Websites
When you think of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) you might think of sci-fi movies, you might think of real, but clunky robots that can do simple tasks. But, what you probably won’t think of is a website feature that will change the way you do business, forever.
Introducing Docubot™ from and 1LAW Legal Technologies, LLC (1LAW), an augmented legal service that is changing the way legal services are being delivered. Why? Because, their products are designed to tap into an estimated $45 billion of unspent revenue by people who aren’t currently participating in the legal market. And, 1LAW has just announced Docubot™ is available as a WordPress plug-in and they will be posting the library on GitHub.
Jason Velez, Lead Dreamer behind Docubot™ says “created with both the lawyer and the consumer in mind, “Docubot™ and our On-Demand products create an augmented legal service,” said Velez. “It drives the costs down for consumers, while increasing the value of a lawyer’s touch. We have merged the chatbot experience with on-demand video chat with an attorney.” The client is able to do as much or as little as they can with Docubot, while live person assistance is available just by typing “help.” Our products are designed to integrate with Clio’s open API structure and report information client’s file automatically.
At its core, Docubot™ is document-generating, legal artificial intelligence technology that gives people access to legal services without having to sit down with a lawyer, or a single human being for that matter. They log in, select the document, and let Docubot™ guide them through the process—greatly reducing consumer legal fees, while allowing legal professionals to efficiently and effectively assist more individuals without filling up their calendars with appointments.
Let’s not forget about that estimated $45 billion…Docubot™provides an affordable, accessible option for people who need legal assistance, but aren’t getting it because they lack a personal connection to a lawyer or they simply don’t know how to navigate our complex legal system. And, that’s not counting those that fall into the justice gap, people who have too much for pro bono work, but can’t afford private legal services.
Vince Morris, co-founder of OpenLaw recently stated, “A lot has been said about the 1LAW’s app being the Über of law. From what I have seen that may very well be the case, but I’m more excited about it being the technology that can provide immediate and meaningful access to justice.”
Docubot™ it is designed to be totally autonomous, unless the consumer wants additional help…and that’s made easy too. Lawyers and Legal Aid providers can upload their unique forms and contribute to the general form database.
Click Here: View a demonstration of Docubot™ plug-in on a 3rd party website
Once Docubot™ is integrated into a website, it’s easy to market and fit into online advertising plan, as it’s a natural fit for social media platforms, email marketing, and digital ads.
To learn more about how Docubot™ can change your business forever, email [email protected]