When poorly designed goods and faulty products make it to the shelves, consumers can get seriously injured. Manufacturers owe it to the public to thoroughly test their wares before shipping them off to stores and online retailers. When they fail to do so, it’s only fair that they compensate those who’ve been affected.
If you’ve been harmed by a dangerous product, the attorneys at 1LAW can help you recover losses related to your injuries. Our product liability lawyers in Richfield will gather the information they need to prove that the guilty company or manufacturer is liable for your injury, and demand that they offer compensation to cover your medical expenses and other costs.
The main goal of any product liability suit is to secure a settlement or jury verdict for the losses your injury has caused. In the legal realm, payments for specific losses are referred to as “damages.” Damages that make up for concrete, financial losses are known as economic damages. They include:
Dangerous products can also cause losses that don’t have an exact dollar value. For losses that are harder to quantify, your Richfield product liability attorneys will request non-economic damages, such as:
In order to hold the guilty party liable for your injury, a product liability lawyer will need to establish four basic elements. First, they’ll need to prove that the product that harmed you has a defect. Next, they’ll have to establish that the defect is unreasonably dangerous.
Once they’ve proved that the product has the potential to injure someone, they’ll need to offer evidence showing that the defect was present at the time of your injury. Finally, they’ll have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the product defect was the direct cause of your injury.
Once they’ve proved those basic elements, you’ll be one step closer to receiving the compensation you need to put your injury in the past. However, establishing causation between the defect and your injury is easier said than done. Your lawyer will need to collect a considerable amount of evidence in order to do so.
The success of your case hinges on the evidence that your Richfield product liability attorney presents to the court. Unfortunately, the jury won’t just take your word for it if you say that you were harmed by a product. They’ll want to see the following pieces of evidence before they declare their verdict:
If you want to get the most out of your product liability claim, it’s important that you have an experienced attorney on your side. Fortunately, our lawyers in Richfield have experience litigating a number of different product liability cases.
Here are some of the dangerous product claims they’ll be able to handle:
If you sustain an injury after using a product that was poorly designed, lacks safety features, or contains dangerous ingredients, seek medical attention ASAP. While it’s important to hold the manufacturer responsible for the faulty product, your health is much more important. So, make sure you contact a lawyer only after you’ve been treated for your injury.
Once you’ve seen a doctor for your injury, you won’t want to wait long before you reach out to a lawyer. That’s because there may be a legal deadline, or statute of limitations, under Utah Code § 78B-6-706 that applies to your case. An experienced attorney from 1LAW will be able to determine how long you have to file your claim and ensure that it’s submitted on time.
Contact one of our product liability lawyers in Richfield to get started on your claim. They’ll build a strong case and attempt to negotiate a settlement with the guilty party. If they’re unwilling to settle, your lawyer will take them to court. Since our attorneys don’t charge upfront for their services, they’ll take a contingency fee, or portion of compensation you receive.